Updates and Such
As you may have heard, Corvisiero Literary Agency is now closed to queries until January 5, 2015 for the holidays. I will be reading through my queries and responding to all as well as catching up on partials and full manuscripts I am still considering. Right now, I’ve responded to queries sent through September 26. I do still have several from before that time in my “Further Consideration” folder. I also hope to respond to these before the end of the year.
And expect a year end post…coming soon.
Wishing all of you a fantastic Holiday Season and Happy New Year.

One Comment
Eric Street
Ms. Hart, greetings. I met with your associate this past weekend at the Chesapeake Writer’s Conference. She suggested I submit to you as you would be a good match for my works. I have submitted and look forward to perhaps speaking with you in the future. Take care.