Happy 2016!
What’s on iTunes: Nothing to Lose from the Empire soundtrack
Happy 2016!

In with new, out with the old.
This last year has been a busy one. I sold the first client I signed’s Contemporary Romance in a three-book deal to Sourcebooks.and it’s my second full year year as an agent. Unfortunately, with more things to do, I had less time to write posts. So I thought with the new year, I’d see what you’d like to see as posts.
I’m hoping to start a monthly series on branding and marketing for authors in today’s market. So that’s coming soon.
This year I am attending Romantic Times in Las Vegas in mid April, but as it’s only January 15th, my schedule is open. I’d love to attend your conference, present a workshop or judge your contest. You can always contact me here through the website, or through the agency. Please let me know as my schedule fills up pretty fast.
And I am up to mid December in queries, but still have requested material from before the end of the year. Please note that if I favorite or request something online (like in a pitchfest) I consider this requested material.

Ashley Horn
Hello! I hope you had a good holiday and are having a great new year.
I queried you with my YA paranormal history back in September but never received a response, so I sent it once more in November. I suspect the problem may be with my gmail account either not sending the query or else misdirecting your reply. Could you tell me if you’ve seen it? The title of the manuscript is Noble Virtues.
Thank you for your time!
Cate Hart
Hi Ashley,
If you didn’t receive a response from me then there’s a good chance that the internet ate your query. Unfortunately, many times it happens. You can always resubmit to query(at)corvisieroagency(dot)com. Just be sure to put to my attention and the title of your work in the subject line, place your query in the body of the email and attach your synopsis and first five pages. All Corvisiero agents use this query box so sometimes queries that are not addressed to agents are misfiled.