With Awesome News Come Some Boundaries
On the iPod this morning : Happy by Pharrell Williams
On Saturday March 1, I officially opened to queries, celebrating my status as Junior Agent for the Corvisiero Literary Agency. I’m still soooooo excited! This news was shared by Writer’s Digest and the Guide to Literary Agents – HERE – if you haven’t read Chuck Sambuchino’s website it is full of awesomeness. I highly recommended following his posts. The announcement was shared over Twitter and Facebook. I am ever grateful for the retweets and reposts. But as I enter a new avenue within publishing, I now have to set some boundaries I never did as an author.
I’ve had a Twitter account since 2008-ish and Facebook for about as long. That’s when I began pursuing publishing in earnest and realized social media was a necessity to connect with fellow authors and future readers. I’m on Twitter way more than I should be. I used to follow every author I met or every author that followed me. Then I started following industry professionals and most recently book bloggers and publishing imprints. My Facebook personal page, has and remains, my closest author friends. I set up a Fanpage eons ago with no idea really how the fanpage worked.
I’ve been, no I still am, an author pursuing publication, though just not as diligently as in the beginning back in 2009. So I follow authors I know or editors I want to get to know. I encourage you to follow me on Twitter if you don’t mind random bursts of fangirling (yes I do this too.) I talk way too much about Jon Snow and GoT, Captain Hook and OUaT. My critique partners and I torment each other with random tweets about Will Herrondale from the Infernal Devices. I post the random, crazy things my kids do, and well, talk about the insane weather in Middle Tennessee. And yes agent things too. But what I just can’t possibly do is follow everyone back. My Twitter feed is outrageous as it is. I do try to respond to all @ questions or even send thanks or a favorite if I’m mentioned. I like to think of favoriting on Twitter as a LIKE of Facebook.
As for Facebook, like I mentioned, this is my haven for my author friends. I have a Fanpage HERE (I hope that link works. I’m still trying to figure Facebook out). I do hope you LIKE my Fanpage. It’s the best place to connect with me on Facebook and learn the things I’m working on or reading or thinking. Again there is a fair amount of fangirling that goes on there.
So I hate putting up fences, even virtual ones, because I’m a pretty open, honest person, but needs change and thus boundaries must be established. Trust me, I see your follows and requests for friend status and I am honored.

One Comment
Shawna Railey
It’s amazing how often I can find a reason to use the phrase, “You know nothing Jon Snow.” I look forward to sending you a query!